RaDiation harvesting of bioactive peptides from egg prOteins and their integration in adVanced functional products

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WP1: Project management 

WP2: Development part 1

WP3: Development part 2

WP4: Scaling-up

WP5: Communications

WP5: Communication and Dissemination

1. To ensure visibility of the project and involvement of relevant stakeholders.
2. To ensure dissemination, exploitation (further development) of results.
3. To promote and ensure cross fertilization of project results.
4. To ensure wide communication of the project, promoting sensibilization of public at large on the potential of nuclear energy and its benefits.


5.1 Planning of the communication and dissemination activities.

5.2 Setting-up and maintenance of project website and related web-pages.

5.3 Targeted dissemination activities.

5.4 Communication activities. 

5.5 Exploitation of results.