RaDiation harvesting of bioactive peptides from egg prOteins and their integration in adVanced functional products

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WP1: Project management 

WP2: Development part 1

WP3: Development part 2

WP4: Scaling-up

WP5: Communications

WP1: Project management and

1. To establish an efficient management structure and to monitor the overall project implementation.
2. To ensure early identification of problems, to enable timely contingency measures.
3. To monitor overall scientific quality, leading to achievement of project objectives and high-quality outcomes.
4. To ensure adequate communication flow among partners and with the EC.
5. To guarantee effective innovation management.


1.1 Administrative, legal and financial coordination.

1.2 Project meetings, including KoM, and internal communication.

1.3 Quality Control.

1.4 Innovation and technological management and coordination. 

1.5 Project reporting.