RaDiation harvesting of bioactive peptides from egg prOteins and their integration in adVanced functional products

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WP1: Project management 

WP2: Development part 1

WP3: Development part 2

WP4: Scaling-up

WP5: Communications

WP4: Scaling-up of the production of peptides and selected products

1. Optimisation of product formulations and processing conditions to fulfil technological requirements of the selected products.
2. Production, testing and validation of trial batches of the selected product/products on a pilot scale.
3. Optimisation of EB irradiation conditions to meet peptide products and process requirements (identity, yield, purity, repeatability, etc.)


4.1 Scale-up of selected fractions of peptides and isolated peptides production.

4.2 Scale-up of technologies and products selected in Task 3.3.